
Agate posesses a strong energy that encourages rootedness. It strengthens courage and facilitates physical, emotional and mental equilibrium. Known for harmonizing yin and yang, it brings calmness, stability and transforms negative energy for the better.

Its frequency encourages self-acceptance, the reveal of hidden truths, improves concentration and lightens the heaviness of the heart. Soothes anger and softly dissipates trauma. Gives a feeling of security and stimulates spiritual growth.


Blue Lace Agate

This agate is perfect for aiding the healing of physical illnesses. It calms and neutralizes anger, infections and fevers. It perfectly harmonizes with the throat chakra and helps gently elevating ambient energies.

Particularly efficient in countering the repression of self-expression and self-judgement, helps in overcoming the feeling of suffocation by encouraging a new, freeing mode of expression. Eases mental stress, diminishes anxiety and brings a greater peace to hyperactive people.


Moss Agate

To connect with nature, wherever one is, moss agate brings freshness to the soul and helps seeing Beauty everywhere. It accelerates long term healing of illnesses and helps eliminating depression coming from a disbalance between the right and left brain.

It is the crystal of new beginnings that attracts abundance and grows self-esteem. It opens respiration and frees the heart. Perfect for coming out of a period of stagnation, moss agate soothes nightmares, night anxiety and gives courage, hope, a new momentum.



Amethyst possesses one of the highest spiritual vibrations. A natural tranquilizer, it helps meditation, recentering, soothes insomnia, eases grief. To put on one's third eye to favourize a connection with the spiritual world, or under one's pillow to induce a better sleep.

Supports the desire for sobriety, helps controlling irresistible desires and decision making, improves memory and concentration. Facilitates inner visualization to manifest better. When correctly used, it can open the conscience to new realities and helps its user to better integrate spiritual wisdom. It brings one closer to divine love.



Faithful representant of peace and fraternity, angelite, as its name hints at, facilitates the rapprochement with the angelic world. Eases telepathy and helps it express its truth, no matter what is it, and opens one to channeling.

It enhances comprehension of astrology, connection with the akashic archives, and general out-of-body experiences. It brings compassion, healing, tranquility, and strangely, a better comprehension of mathematics. It also helps accepting things one does not have the power to change.

When applied on the feet, it unblocks the meridians.



By raising the motivation and energy of the one who uses it, it is the ideal manifestation stone. Its acquisitor will also develop their psychic aptitudes, deepen their states of meditation, awaken their Kundalini and help their self-expression on every level.

Use apatite to soothe confusion, widen your knowledge, access truth and calm your sorrows. It helps its user to manage their frustrations and liberates the energy of the root chakra when it is stagnant. Wear it near the throat when public speaking is needed.



Sailors kept an aquamarine crystal with them to prevent shipwreck. Opposes evil forces, calms the mind, gives strength to those who feel overwhelmed by responsibilities and stress.

Aquamarine helps put an end to never-ending situations, allows a better expression of deep emotions. It clarifies perception, aligns the chakras, sharpens intuition and opens to clairvoyance.



Wearing an aventurine cancels out the toxic effects of geopathic stress and protects from cell phone waves. It increases the wearer's leadership qualities, attracts prosperity and strengthens endurance. It stimulates creativity, brings compassion and even empathy.

This crystal helps us to find the source of our discomforts and diseases, brings understanding of the past. Its greatest quality is to transform negative situations by softening them and promotes the union of the intellect and the heart.



Bringing us closer to the Divine Whole, chrysoprase nurtures hope, promotes love of truth and fosters deep meditative states. It encourages fidelity in business or romantic relationships.

The ego is refined in its presence, calmness takes its place, reduces compulsive behaviors, brings a feeling of security and confidence, erases nightmares. Promotes the delicate balance between autonomy and commitment, without co-dependence. Chrysoprase detoxifies by helping heavy metals to evacuate from the body.



Holding in itself the power of the sun, citrine regenerates and cleanses. It warms, energizes and protects the aura. It absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and sends negative energies into the ground. By purifying the subtle bodies, it also balances them, aligning them with the physical body. This shimmering stone helps our emotions to flow freely.

Moreover, citrine strengthens self-esteem and dispels self-destructive tendencies. Keep it with you on an exam day to promote focus, clear the mind and reduce anxiety.



Carnelian is called upon to better root oneself in the present. Restores vitality, motivation, stimulates creativity and dispels the fear of death (in ancient times, this stone was used to accompany the deceased into the next world).

It gives courage, helps us to make more positive life choices and helps dreamers to come back to Earth because it sharpens concentration, dispels mental lethargy because it stimulates the metabolism, increases fertility. Treats depression and repels the evil intentions of others. Carnelian has the power to cleanse other stones.



Dumortierite helps its wearer to be more receptive to the presence of angelic entities, reconnect with their inner wisdom and activate the memory of their past lives. We use it to renegociate our contracts pre-incarnation with other souls when they become deciduous.

It brings us towards a better comprehension of our compulsive bevaviours and allows a reprogrammation to cellular level. Dumortierite stabilizes relationships and can even attract a soulmate, including the life lessons that come along with such a thing.



To increase energy, regenerate, purify, revitalize... garnet also brings passion or serenity, whichever is more appropriate. It is said to be a protective talisman and keeping it close warns of potential dangers. It inspires love and devotion. Its deep red color is incomparable.

It softens contradictory emotions, stimulates and equilibrates libido, favourizes engagements. It is a stone that brings assistance in times of crisis, helps transform trauma into challenges. It then helps dissolve harmful behaviours that have become habits. Opens the heart and enhances self-esteem.



To take root, to protect oneself. Hematite harmonizes the spirit, the heart and the mind. Very pronounced yang element. Dissolves negativity, even prevents negative energies from entering the aura.

Wear it if you are shy because it strengthens the will and increases self-esteem. It stimulates concentration, memory and helps to keep the focus. Also to be worn on very hot days: it draws heat out of the body. Avoid wearing it for too long if there are areas of inflammation in the body.



Leave a few howlites under your pillow at night in case of insomnia, it is said to be calming, especially if it is thoughts that cause bad sleep. Place it on your third eye, it will help to contact memories of past lives and even in the space 'between lives'.

Helps to formulate your ambitions and to achieve them. Increases your reserve of patience and reduces anger (both yours and that of others). Reinforces positive personality traits. Keep one in your pocket when you want to ensure easy and peaceful communication with others.



Confucius taught that jade was like virtue, and that its brilliance should remind us of Heaven. In ancient eastern traditions, jade symbolizes the five virtues of humanity: wisdom, justice, compassion, modesty, and courage. There is also a saying that goes: 'Gold is precious, but jade is priceless.

Use Jade to harmonize dysfunctional relationships. This stone soothes torment and chases away negative thoughts. Attracts good luck, friendship. Ultimately, Jade encourages you to become who you really are.



Jasper is the great nurturer, especially during times of great stress. It is the stone of the healer, helps us remember our dreams, absorbs negative energy. Place a jasper of the same color as each chakra on the body about fifteen minutes before bedtime for gentle balancing and restful sleep.

Jasper helps to balance yin and yang, to better organize one's environment, gives determination, more strength and helps to transform one's ideals into action. Perfectly versatile, it is found in virtually every color of nature.


Poppy Jasper

Has the same properties as jasper, of course, but the red adds tone, gently stimulates and helps to rectify situations where there has been injustice. Poppy jasper brings awareness to issues before they become too large. Keep one in your pocket when you feel troubled and handle it often: let it absorb your worries.

Definitely the stone for the base chakra and assists the one who struggles to enforce boundaries. It helps purify the blood, strengthens the circulation and supports the liver. It is the stone of detoxification, physical and emotional.



If you find it particularly difficult to enter a meditative state, bring a kunzite with you. With a very high vibration, it brings with it tranquility, calm, unconditional love and enhances the wearer's creative flow, as well as encouraging free self-expression. It develops humility and the desire to be of service.

Can protect from evil entities in one's surroundings. Wear it when you go into a crowd. Can help to recover lost memories, helps to heal those who had to grow up too fast, who did not have a childhood. Keep it near you in times of great stress to reduce anxiety and even panic attacks.



Powerful transmitter and amplifier of frequencies, stimulates psychic abilities and intuition. Wear it to help communicate with your guides, for more maturity and spiritual integrity. Useful for clearing troubled situations, dissipating anger, delusions, frustration and stress. Kyanite does not hold negative energy, therefore, there is no need to cleanse it.

Particularly beneficial for the throat chakra, it encourages the wearer to find and speak their truth. Kyanite promotes the integration of the light body into the physical body and helps the mind to commune with higher frequencies.



Extracted from the ground for the first time in the lands of Labrador from where it takes its name, the mystical labradorite protects the aura and limits the loss of energy. Stimulates intuition and develops occult faculties. Perfect for contemplation, meditation and increasing one's faith in the universe.

Keep it close to you to calm racing thoughts, to stimulate the imagination. A sublime way to merge intellectual thought and intuitive wisdom. A highly mythical crystal to accompany one during the changes of life, it gives strength and perseverance, it prepares the body and soul for the process of ascension.


Lapis lazuli

Many famous jewelry pieces are made of lapis lazuli and ancient Egyptian texts mention its importance. For them, the deep blue and its golden (pyrite) inclusions remind the night sky for the divine connection and water for the origin of life. Cleopatra's eye blue was made from lapis lazuli powder.

Wear it to ease pain, harmonize conflicts because it brings objectivity, clarity. It helps to accept the truth, no matter what it is. It is sought to open the third eye, to balance the throat chakra, to contact one's guides, to manifest deep peace and for its eternal beauty, of course.



Malachite is a powerful, fascinating stone, and one of the densest, it is recognized by its weight. Potentially toxic, it must only be used in its polished form. It amplifies everything: the good as well as the not so good but mainly, it roots the spiritual energy in the matter. Its power is still unknown, but it could well be THE healing stone for the times to come.

Anyone who lives near a nuclear facility should get it because it protects against radiation and electromagnetic pollution. At the same time, it has strong affinities with nature and the devas. Use it to contact information or subconscious memories or messages from the future.



Beautiful and shimmering, moonstone is the crystal of new beginnings. It is of course linked to the Moon, to intuition and to the development of clairvoyance. It helps to accept one's psychic gifts. Its greatest quality is to calm the emotions. It makes the unconscious conscious and encourages lucid dreaming, especially when the Moon is full.

Very useful for people who react a lot to what life throws at them, it stabilizes their emotions. Softens the ups and downs of the menstrual cycle, balances the hormonal system. Wear it to develop emotional intelligence, to assist deep emotional healing or during emotional shocks.


Morganite (Pink Beryl)

Among its great qualities, it connects with the needs of the soul and encourages messages from it to come to consciousness. It strengthens the perception of one's self-worth and helps to free oneself from old limiting and obsolete patterns. It attracts love and helps to retain it. Cleanses the heart chakra, calms the stresses of everyday life and greatly supports the nervous system. Alleviates blockages to healing.

To be kept close by during times of new beginnings, it is excellent for stimulating creativity and helps us see both sides of a problem. Can also gently revive the devitalized love of a long term couple.



Molten lava cooling down so fast that it has not had time to crystallize! To be favored when you want to accelerate things but be careful because it brings the truths to the surface, qualities as well as defects, you cannot hide anything from it. It supports in the research to find what is hidden to us.

A facilitator of deep healing, this jewel helps to connect our current traumas with potential tragedies of past lives and to move beyond them. It can be used as a protective shield and can also vitalize the life mission of the soul by reducing the effect of blockages and helping the soul to anchor itself well in the body. This stone stimulates growth on all levels and opens new horizons.






Opale Pink
















Quartz clair




Quartz rose




Quartz fumé
















Tiger’s Eye (Oeil de tigre)









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